Our Education Strategy.
Our first strategy supports NGOs whose missions align to address the key issues faced in education today.
Our Child-Centered Vision.
Greater Share believes that we can address equity gaps by developing more bespoke, equitable, and effective education models that provide holistic support for children. Our theory of change rests on funding organisations that are advancing two major shifts in service of this goal:
Expanding our definition of “educator”
Currently, teachers are often viewed as the only “educators” in a child’s life and are at the center of traditional classroom designs. But educational outcomes are affected by issues outside the classroom as well, and teachers cannot work alone. They require support from school leaders, parents, caregivers, counselors, community workers and other adults. To truly educate a child, we must expand the notion of “educator” to include all these individuals and involve them directly in the learning process.
Shifting from "one-size-fits-all" to "child-centric" learning models
To meet the diverse needs of all students, we must move away from a standardised, “one-size-fits-all” system and create a more tailored learning environment. This means personalising learning at the individual level, emphasising social and emotional needs, and providing targeted support as part of a “child-centric” educational system.
Source: based on the Education Commission’s Transforming Education Workforce Report (2019)
Greater Share organisations must also meet three selection criteria that ensure their work will be effective in creating long-lasting change for those who need it most:
Our Education Portfolio.
Greater Share has selected eight high-impact organisations that are advancing student learning from cradle to career across the world. To learn more about our portfolio, please click the link below.